Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Good news x 3!
What a week it's been. I received the following 3 pieces of news and I'm still soaring!

1) My piece "Overheard at playgroup" has been accepted by the online journal Literary Mama (www.literarymama.com) and wil be published in their Jan. '05 issue! You can read the piece below. I'm thrilled that they thought my piece worthy of their journal!

2) My travel story "Living the joiurney one day at a time" was awarded Honorable Mention in the Travel Nonfiction Contest for 2004 held by The Preservation Foundation, Inc! (http://www.storyhouse.org/pamelaha.html). I'm so completely pleased and honored! This was my first attempt to document a journey that previoiusly existed only in my memory and compilation of notes in my travel journals. Please read my story at one of the links in my blog or at the URL listed.

3) I have been asked for an interivew by a writer building a story for Health Magazine (http://www.health.com/health/) on my experience becoming a gymnast again at age 40. I had written a piece that was published in Sept. by adultgymnastics.com (http://www.adultgymnastics.com/articles/rediscover.htm) about the life changing effect that getting involved with sport had on my life. The Health Magazine writer spotted it and will interview me for her own piece in the magazine. Needless to day, I am just head-over-heals in excitement about it! I'll let you know when the article will be published!

All I can say is thank you, Lord for an amazing week (and that people like to read!)


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